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alternative medicine

The Sanskrit word mudra means "sign", or "seal". It comes from the terms: "Mud" which means bliss, happiness and "dhra" which means dissolution. Each mudra has a deep meaning and has a part of the magic of Life.

Mudras include symbolic finger and hand gestures. In India, they are part of all spiritual practices. We lend this "yoga of the fingers" energy properties, acting on our main meridians, which have their termination in the hands and feet. According to traditional oriental medicine, each organ can be treated by massaging or pressing the corresponding finger or part of the hand.

It is well known that our subtle body is filled with energy channels, the nadis, which manage both our physiological and psychic processes. It is especially on the surface of the feet and hands that these channels accumulate. Each finger has its own function and power within our body. When the fingers touch, the “nadis” (subtle energy channels) are connected and particular energy vibrations are activated. The different elements that make up our body and the entire universe can associate and cooperate. Working with our fingers we can thus harmonize our physical state, control our emotions, increase concentration, and ultimately harmonize our individual being with the processes of the Universe.

The thumb is connected to the Fire element (Agni), the index finger is connected to the Air element (Vayu), the middle finger is connected to the Ether element, the Sky (Akasha), the ring finger is connected to the 'element Earth (Prithvi) and the little finger is connected to the Water element (Jala).

You can practice mudras:

·       with your assana practice

·       with meditation

·       in queues, in transport, on a walk, in your bathtub…

In any case it is better to visualize and be focused on the meaning of the practiced mudra. Select one mudra and practice it regularly for 21 or 40 days, then you can move on to another mudra. Activate the hands before practicing, shake them or tap the fingers lightly.

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C’est un mudra de concentration, de réflexion et d’activation de l’intellect.  Il permet l’échange entre les deux hémisphères cérébraux et améliore la mémoire.
Ici tous les 5 éléments et les canaux énergétiques sont activés de manière égale.




This mantra derived from sat nam is sung by stimulating each finger, one after the other with the thumb.
·       The thumb, representing the ego, presses the index finger to the sound Sa, symbol of knowledge. It is birth.
·       Then the middle finger, to the sound Ta, awakens wisdom. That's life.
·       At the sound Na, the thumb presses the ring finger, the energy. It's death.
·       Finally, comes the rebirth, when the thumb and the little finger unite to the sound Ma, symbol of communication.
This mantra expresses the five original sounds of the universe, the nuclear form of Sat Naam.
Sa is infinity, Ta is life, Na is death or transformation and Ma is rebirth.
The fifth sound is "A", which is a common connecting sound meaning "coming".
It is used to improve intuition, balance the cerebral hemispheres and create a destiny for someone who does not have one.



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